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ProScan H117N1M4

Motorized High Performance Stage for Nikon MA200

The ProScan H117N1M4 motorized XY stage is compatible with the Nikon MA200 inverted microscope.

It uses a 1 mm ballscrew, 400-step motor drive configuration to provide high step resolution. This makes the H117N1M4 a good choice for stitching large images of industrial samples at high magnification, and precisely positioning features of interest at the center of the field of view.

Prior's patented Intelligent Scanning Technology (IST) optimizes stage accuracy and linearity.

The stage features a mounting position for circular Nikon sample mounts and is designed to be compact to match the design of the MA200 frame.

The H117E1M4 is compatible with Nikon NIS Elements software (appropriate package required).

See the product compatibility tab for the full list of options available.

    • Directly compatible with Nikon MA200 and software
    • Flat top design facilitates easy sample loading
    • Default stage configuration optimized for resolution and repeatability
    • Intelligent Scanning Technology™ (US Patent 7,330,307)
Travel range 114 mm x 75 mm
Unidirectional repeatability < 0.6 µm
Bidirectional repeatability < 2.3 μm
Metric accuracy 0.1 µm/mm
Full travel metric accuracy < 7.6 μm
Resolution 0.01 µm
Squareness < 35 arcsec
Maximum speed 15 mm/s
Maximum load 10 kg
Encoders No
Motor type 400 step
Screw pitch 1 mm
Weight 5 kg

Specifications as per datasheet. Please see datasheet for details.

  • H649 Holder for a single 1 in, 1.25 in and 1.5 in mounted metallurgical specimen

Option Manufacturer Compatibility Notes
H117N1M4 Nikon MA200

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