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ProScan H112/2ST

Motorized 12-inch Travel Stage For Upright Microscopy

The ProScan H112/2ST motorized XY stage is compatible with Nikon and Evident/Olympus upright industrial microscopes, Prior's OpenStand-L platform, and is easily integrated into custom microscopes. 

Designed for scanning large, heavy samples such as 12-inch semiconductor wafers, flat panel displays, and printed circuit boards, it offers the longest travel range of any of Prior's XY stages. It is compatible with transmitted light applications. 

The H112/2ST features Prior's patented Intelligent Scanning Technology (IST) to enhance accuracy and linearity together with a 2 mm ballscrew for speed.

This stage is compatible with Nikon NIS Elements, Olympus Stream Motion and Evident PRECiV software (appropriate package required).

    • Directly compatible with Nikon and Evident/Olympus industrial microscopes and software
    • Lightweight and slim design facilitates integration
    • 12-inch travel range for semiconductor applications
    • Intelligent Scanning Technology™ (US Patent 7,330,307)
Uni-directional Repeatability ±0.7 µm
Minumum Step Size 0.04 µm
Suggested Speed 40 mm/s
Max Travel Range 302 mm x 302 mm
Ball Screw Pitch 2 mm
Encoders No
Load Capacity 25 kg
Weight 14.5 kg

Specifications as per datasheet. Please see datasheet for details.

  • H221 Glass plate (not suitable for transmitted light microscopy).

  • H233 Aluminum plate (H112)

  • H233B Aluminum plate (H112) with M4 and M6 tapped holes.

  • HWC30S Wafer chuck, rotatable with steps for 200 mm & 300 mm wafers.

  • HWC30V Wafer chuck, rotatable with steps for 300 mm wafers.

Option Manufacturer Compatibility Notes
H112/2ST Evident/Olympus MX61L, MX63L
H112/2ST Nikon L300N, L300ND Requires travel range reduction. Please contact Prior Scientific.


Prior OpenStand-L

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